35. JOHN9 OGDEN 879 was born on 3 Sep 1600 at Bradley Plain, Hampshire, England. 880, 881 He married Anne Richardson, daughter of Joseph Richardson, on 4 May 1627 at Bradley Plain, England. 882 He married Judith Budd (see #36), daughter of John Budd and Katherine (--?--), on 19 Apr 1638 at Stamford(?), Connecticut. 883, 884 He died in 1682 at Rye, Connecticut. 885, 886 His estate was inventoried on 7 Aug 1682 at Fairfield, Connecticut. 887,

The research tracing the Ogden family to Bradley Plain, Hampshire appears to be a hoax perpetrated by a genealogist at the turn of the Twentieth Century. The source cites parish registers, but there is no record of a Bradley Plain.

He was a miller and stonemason in 1640 at Fairfield, Connecticut.

889 He was appointed deputy to the General Court at Rye, Connecticut, in 1674. 890
Children of John9 Ogden and Judith Budd (see #36) were as follows:
  •       i.   JOSEPH8891,892,893 died circa 1715 at Rye, NY. 894

  •       ii.   RICHARD.895,896,897

  •       iii.   DAVID.898,899,900

  •       iv.   HANNAH901,902,903 married Hachaliah Brown, son of Peter Brown and Elizabeth (--?--). 904

  •     38.  v.   ELIZABETH.

  •     28.  vi.   DAVID.

36. JUDITH9 BUDD (John, #43) 905,906,907 was born circa 1620. She married John Ogden (see #35) on 19 Apr 1638 at Stamford(?), Connecticut. 908, 909
She was also known as Judette. 910 Her nick name was Juddey. 911

37. JUDGE JOSEPH9 PURDY (Francis, #45) 912,913,914,915 was born after 1640. 916, 917 He married Elizabeth Ogden (see #38), daughter of John Ogden and Judith Budd. 918, 919 He died on 29 Oct 1709 at Rye, NY. 920
In about 1670, Joseph moved to Westchester County, which was then part of Connecticut. In 1699 that area became part of New York. He was appointed a judge and elected as a representative to the legislature. 921 He was elected Representative and Justice of the Peace in 1702 at Rye, NY. 922 He made a will on 5 Oct 1709 at Westchester Co., Connecticut. 923
Children of Judge Joseph9 Purdy and Elizabeth Ogden (see #38) were as follows:
  •       i.   JOSEPH8924,925,926 died before 1734. 927, 928
          He was appointed Juryman at Rye, NY, in 1713. 929

  •       ii.   .
          DANIEL930,931,932 was one of the original patentees in 1720 at Budd's Neck, Westchester Co., NY. 933 He was living in 1750 at Westchester Co., NY. 934

  •     31.  iii.   SAMUEL.

  •       iv.   JONATHAN935,936,937,938 married Mary Hart.939
          He moved to Duchess Co., NY. 940

  •       v.   .
          DAVID941,942,943 was living between 1739 and 1747 at Brown's Point in Harrison's Purchase, Westchester Co., NY. 944

  •       vi.   .
          STILL JOHN945,946,947 moved in 1736 to North Castle, NY. 948 He was living in 1760 at NY and petitioned the governor for lands on the northern frontier. 949

  •       vii.   .
          FRANCIS950,951,952 was living in 1750 at Rye, NY. 953

38. ELIZABETH9 OGDEN (John, #35) 954,955,956,957 was born circa 1655. 958 She married Judge Joseph Purdy (see #37), son of Francis Purdy (Sr.) and Mary Brundage. 959, 960 She died in 1742 at Westchester Co., NY. 961

39. DANIEL9 STRANG (Henry, #49) 962,963,964 was born circa 1655 at Gien, Loiret Province, France. 965, 966 He married Charlotte Le Maistre (see #40), daughter of Jean Le Maistre and Charlotte Mariette, in Aug 1680 at Gien, Loiret Province, France. 967 He died circa Feb 1706/7 at Rye, Westchester Co., NY. 968 He was buried in Grace Churchyard. 969
The Strangs were wine merchants and Daniel was educated at the Protestant Academy in Geneva. They lived in Paris and in Loiret Province. 970 Under the Edict of Nantes, France allowed religious toleration of Protestants. In 1685, Cardinal Richelieu and King Louis XIV revoked the Edict and Protestants were required to either convert to Catholicism or to leave the country without their property, or face death. When the treaty was revoked, he chose to flee to England, a Protestant nation. One story says he fled alone and arranged for his wife and children to follow. He and Charlotte Le Maistre immigrated to Westchester Co., NY, in 1688 from England. 971
Children of Daniel9 Strang and Charlotte Le Maistre (see #40) were as follows:
  •       i.   LOUISON8972,973,974 was born circa 1684 at Paris, France. 975 She died at West Indies. 976

  •     32.  ii.   PENELOPE.

  •       iii.   DANIEL977,978,979 was born circa 1691 at Westchester Co., NY. 980

  •       iv.   CHARLOTTE981,982,983 was born circa 1692 at Westchester Co., NY. 984

  •       v.   GABRIEL985,986,987 was born on 7 May 1696 at Westchester Co., NY. 988

  •       vi.   MARY PRUDENCE989,990,991 was born circa 1700 at New Rochelle, NY. 992

  •       vii.   HENRY993,994,995 was born on 27 Feb 1703 at Westchester Co., NY. 996

40. CHARLOTTE9 LE MAISTRE (Jean, #51) 997,998 was born circa 1655 at Gien, Loiret Province, France. 999 She married Daniel Strang (see #39), son of Henry Strang and Marie Babault, in Aug 1680 at Gien, Loiret Province, France. 1000 She died in 1723 at Westchester Co., NY. 1001
She and Daniel Strang immigrated to Westchester Co., NY, in 1688 from England. 1002

41. DELIVERANCE9 BROWN (Peter, #53) 1003,1004,1005 was born circa 1656 at Westchester Co., Connecticut. 1006 He married Mary Purdy (see #42), daughter of Francis Purdy (Sr.) and Mary Brundage, before 1678 at Rye, Connecticut. 1007 He died between 1724 and 1727 at Westchester Co., NY. 1008
He resided in 1678 at Rye, Connecticut. 1009 He was elected Deputy for Rye to Connecticut Legislature in May 1697 at Rye, Connecticut. 1010 He was appointed Justice at Rye, Connecticut, in 1698. 1011
Children of Deliverance9 Brown and Mary Purdy (see #42) were as follows:
  •     33.  i.   SAMUEL8.

  •       ii.   ZEBEDIAH1012,1013,1014 was born circa 1695 at Westchester Co., NY. 1015

  •       iii.   RACHEL1016,1017,1018 was born circa 1700 at Westchester Co., NY. 1019 She married Benjamin Mead on 20 Jun 1716 at Westchester Co., NY. 1020

  •       iv.   JONATHAN1021,1022,1023 was born circa 1700. 1024 He married Deborah Mead. 1025 He died in 1768 at Westchester Co., NY. 1026

42. MARY9 PURDY (Francis, #45) 1027,1028,1029,1030 was born circa 1656. 1031 She married Deliverance Brown (see #41), son of Peter Brown and Elizabeth (--?--), before 1678 at Rye, Connecticut. 1032

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