403. JOHN17 MITTON ESQ 5735 married Anne Swinnerton (see #404). 5736 He died in 1500. 5737
Children of John17 Mitton Esq and Anne Swinnerton (see #404) were:
  •     399.  i.   JOHN16.

404. ANNE17 SWINNERTON 5738 married John Mitton Esq (see #403). 5739


405. SIR HENRY17 BEAUMONT (Henry, #407)

5740,5741,5742 was born at England. 5743 He married Eleanor Sutton (see #406).5744 He died on 16 Nov 1471. 5745
He was made Sheriff on 11 Apr 1471 at County Staffordshire. 5746 During the Wars of the Roses he was knighted on 3 May 1471 at field of battle, Tewkesbury. 5747
Children of Sir Henry17 Beaumont and Eleanor Sutton (see #406) were as follows:

406. ELEANOR17 SUTTON 5751 married Sir Henry Beaumont (see #405), son of Sir Henry Beaumont and Joan Heronville. 5752 She married George Stanley after 1471. 5753

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