136. JEDEDIAH9 LOMBARD (Thomas, #201) 2574,2575,2576,2577,2578,2579 was born on 20 Sep 1640 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2580, 2581 He married Hannah Wing (see #137), daughter of Daniel Wing and Hannah Swift, on 20 May 1668 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2582, 2583, 2584
He was a Proprietor at Barnstable. 2585 He was admitted as a Freeman on 6 Jun 1682 at Barnstable. 2586
Children of Jedediah9 Lombard and Hannah Wing (see #137) all born at Truro, Massachusetts, were as follows:
  •     86.  i.   JEDEDIAH8.

  •       ii.   THOMAS2587 was born on 22 Jun 1671. 2588

  •       iii.   HANNAH2589,2590 was born in Aug 1673 (an unknown value). 2591

  •       iv.   EXPERIENCE2592 was born in Apr 1675. 2593

137. HANNAH9 WING (Daniel, #203) 2594,2595 was born on 28 Jul 1642 at Sandwich, Massachusetts. 2596, 2597 She married Jedediah Lombard (see #136), son of Thomas Lombard and Joyce Lombard, on 20 May 1668 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2598, 2599, 2600 She died circa 1682. 2601

138. LT. JAMES9 LEWIS (George, #205) 2602,2603,2604 was born on 25 Mar 1632 at East Greenwich, County Kent, England. 2605 He married Sarah Lane (see #139), daughter of George Lane and Sarah Harris, on 31 Oct 1655 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2606, 2607 He died on 14 Oct 1713 at Barnstable, Massachusetts, at age 81. 2608
Children of Lt. James9 Lewis and Sarah Lane (see #139) were:

139. SARAH9 LANE (George, #207) 2609,2610,2611 was born in Mar 1637/38 at Hingham, Massachusetts. 2612 She married Lt. James Lewis (see #138), son of George Lewis and Sarah Jenkins, on 31 Oct 1655 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2613, 2614 She died on 17 Mar 1697/98 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 2615

140. JOHN9 PURRINGTON (George Puddington, #209) 2616,2617,2618 was born in 1635 at York Co., Maine. 2619, 2620 He married Mary Barton (see #141), daughter of Edward Barton, on 6 Mar 1657. 2621, 2622 He died in 1692 at Salisbury, Massachusetts. 2623, 2624
In 1658 he located in what is now Harpswell, Maine on the peninsula called Merriconesq Neck. He and Nicholas Cole were partners in a fishing boat. In 1666 he was in Cape Porpoise and mortgaged the boat and land, but two years later lost them when he was unable to pay off the loan. He was prosecuted in 1671 for multiplying oaths and swearing "by God's Wounds." 2625 He resided in 1666 at Cape Porpus, Maine. 2626 He was appointed town clerk at Cape Porpus between 1679 and 1689. 2627
Children of John9 Purrington and Mary Barton (see #141) were as follows:

141. MARY9 BARTON (Edward, #211) 2652,2653,2654 was born circa 1635. She married John Purrington (see #140), son of George Puddington and Mary Pooke, on 6 Mar 1657. 2655, 2656

142. HUMPHREY9 SCAMMON 2657 was born circa 1650. He married Elizabeth Jordan (see #143) circa 1676 at Kittery, Maine. 2658
He was also known as Scamman and Scammond. 2659
Children of Humphrey9 Scammon and Elizabeth Jordan (see #143) were as follows:
  •       i.   ELIZABETH82660,2661,2662 was born circa 1677 at Kittery, Maine. 2663

  •       ii.   HUMPHREY2664,2665,2666 was born on 10 May 1677 at Kittery, Maine. 2667

  •       iii.   REBECCA2668,2669,2670 was born circa 1679 at Kittery, Maine. 2671

  •       iv.   SAMUEL2672,2673,2674 was born circa 1680 at Kittery, Maine. 2675

  •     89.  v.   MARY.

143. ELIZABETH9 JORDAN 2676 married Humphrey Scammon (see #142) circa 1676 at Kittery, Maine. 2677

144. PETER9 GRANT 2678 was born circa 1631 at Scotland. 2679 He married Joan (--?--) (see #145) on 28 Nov 1664 at Dover, New Hampshire, under an order from the court since she was 'big with child.' 2680 He died in 1711/12 at Berwick, Maine. 2681 His estate was appraised in 1721. 2682
He was ordered by a court in Dover, NH, to go home to his wife in Maine on 2 Jul 1661. 2683 He made a will in 1709 at Kittery, Maine. 2684
Children of Peter9 Grant and Joan (--?--) (see #145) were as follows:

145. JOAN9 (--?--) 2718 was born circa 1631. 2719 She married James Grant before 1657. 2720
She was also known as Joanna Ingersoll. 2721

146. JONATHAN9 NASON (Richard, #212) 2722,2723,2724 was born after 1645 at Kittery, Maine. 2725 He married Sarah Jenkins (see #147), daughter of Reynold Jenkins and Ann (--?--), before 1675 at Kittery, Maine. 2726, 2727 He died in 1691 at Kittery, Maine, probably by accident. 2728
He was appointed Constable in 1682. 2729
Children of Jonathan9 Nason and Sarah Jenkins (see #147) all born at Kittery, Maine, were as follows:
  •     91.  i.   MARY8.

  •       ii.   SARAH2730,2731,2732 was born circa 1675. 2733 She married Henry Snow at Kittery, Maine. 2734

  •       iii.   JONATHAN2735,2736,2737 was born circa 1675. 2738 He married Adah Morrell. 2739

  •       iv.   ALICE2740,2741,2742 was born circa 1675. 2743 She married Joseph Abbot. 2744

  •       v.   ABIGAIL2745,2746,2747 was born circa 1675. 2748 She married John Abbot. 2749

  •       vi.   CHARITY2750,2751,2752 was born circa 1675. 2753 She married Job Emery on 6 Apr 1696 at Kittery, Maine. 2754

147. SARAH9 JENKINS (Reynold, #214) 2755,2756,2757 was born circa 1650 at Eliot, Maine. 2758 She married Jonathan Nason (see #146), son of Richard Nason and Sarah Baker, before 1675 at Kittery, Maine. 2759, 2760

148. JOHN9 HALL (Mary, #216) 2761,2762 was born in 1627. 2763 He married Elizabeth Green (see #149), daughter of Percival Green, in 1656 at Medford. 2764 He died on 18 Oct 1701 at Medford, Massachusetts. 2765
Children of John9 Hall and Elizabeth Green (see #149) were as follows:

149. ELIZABETH9 GREEN (Percival, #217) 2797,2798 was born in Apr 1639 at Cambridge. 2799 She married John Hall (see #148), son of Mary Hall, in 1656 at Medford. 2800 She died on 4 Feb 1713/14 at Medford, Massachusetts, at age 74. 2801

150. RICHARD9 CUTTER (Elizabeth (?), #218) 2802,2803 was born in 1624. 2804 He married Elizabeth (--?--). 2805 He married Frances Perriman on 14 Feb 1662/63 at Charlestown. 2806 He died on 16 Jun 1693 at Charlestown. 2807
He was a cooper. 2808
Children of Richard9 Cutter include:

151. SAMUEL9 RICHARDSON (Thomas, #219) 2809,2810,2811 was baptized on 22 Dec 1602 at Westmill, Hertfordshire, England. 2812 He married Joanna Thake (see #152) before 1638 at Charlestown, Massachusetts. 2813, 2814 He died in 1658 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2815
He was admitted as a Freeman on 2 May 1638 at Charlestown, and removed to Woburn. 2816
Children of Samuel9 Richardson and Joanna Thake (see #152) were as follows:
  •       i.   ELIZABETH82817,2818,2819 died on 23 Mar 1658/59 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2820

  •       ii.   MARY2821,2822,2823 was baptized on 15 Feb 1638 at Charlestown, Massachusetts. 2824

  •       iii.   JOHN2825,2826,2827 was baptized on 12 Nov 1639 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2828

  •     94.  iv.   SAMUEL.

  •       v.   THOMAS2829,2830,2831 was born on 31 Dec 1651 at Woburn, Massachusetts, `. 2832 He died before 1658 at Massachusetts. 2833

  •       vi.   STEPHEN2834,2835,2836 was born on 15 Aug 1659 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2837

152. JOANNA9 THAKE 2838 was born circa 1600 at England. 2839 She married Samuel Richardson (see #151), son of Thomas Richardson and Katherine Duxford, before 1638 at Charlestown, Ma. 2840, 2841 She died after 20 Jun 1666 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2842, 2843
She was also known as Joanna Ohake. 2844 She made a will on 10 Jun 1666 at Woburn, Massachusetts. 2845

153. JOHN9 WARD (William, #221) 2846,2847,2848,2849 was born on 21 Dec 1626 at Sudbury, England. 2850, 2851, 2852, 2853 He married Hannah Jackson (see #154), daughter of Edward Jackson and Frances (--?--), circa 1650 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2854, 2855, 2856, 2857, 2858 He died on 2 Jul 1708 at Newton, Massachusetts, at age 81. 2859,2860
Upon his marriage he settled in Newton, the home of his wife's parents. He built a house in the southeasterly part of the village, upon a tract of forty-five acres belonging to his father-in-law. This was subsequently deeded to him by the latter. He had learned the trade of turner and combined its practice with farming, in time increasing his holdings to several hundred acres. He was also a deacon of its first church. 2861 He was elected Selectman on 27 Aug 1679 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2862 He was elected Representative to General Court at Boston, Massachusetts, between 1689 and 1698. 2863
Children of John9 Ward and Hannah Jackson (see #154) all born at Newton, Massachusetts, were as follows:
  •       i.   HANNAH82864,2865,2866,2867 was born circa 1652. 2868
          Her married name was GREENWOOD. 2869

  •       ii.   JOHN2870,2871,2872,2873 was born on 26 Jan 1653. 2874 He died in 1654 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2875

  •       iii.   REBECCA2876,2877,2878,2879 was born on 15 Jun 1655. 2880 She died in 1735 at Newton, Massachusetts, unmarried. 2881

  •       iv.   JOHN2882,2883,2884 was born on 8 Mar 1658. 2885

  •       v.   ELIZABETH2886,2887,2888 was born on 18 Jun 1660. 2889 She died in 1691 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2890
          Her married name was FULLER. 2891

  •       vi.   DEBORAH2892,2893,2894 was born on 19 Jul 1662. 2895
          Her married name was WYTHE. 2896

  •       vii.   WILLIAM2897,2898,2899 was born on 19 Nov 1664. 2900

  •       viii.   RICHARD2901,2902,2903 was born on 15 Nov 1666. 2904

  •       ix.   MERCY2905,2906,2907 was born on 27 Jan 1668. 2908 She died on 4 Jun 1685 at Newton, Massachusetts, at age 17 unmarried. 2909

  •       x.   EDWARD2910,2911,2912 was born on 13 Mar 1671. 2913

  •       xi.   ELEAZER2914,2915,2916 was born on 26 Feb 1672. 2917

  •     96.  xii.   JONATHAN.

  •       xiii.   JOSEPH2918,2919,2920 was born on 15 Nov 1677. 2921

154. HANNAH9 JACKSON (Edward, #223) 2922,2923,2924,2925 was born on 1 May 1634 at Whitechapel, London, England. 2926, 2927 She married John Ward (see #153), son of William Ward and Elizabeth Phillipus, circa 1650 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2928, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2932 She died on 21 Apr 1704 at Newton, Massachusetts, at age 69. 2933,2934
(an unknown value).

155. JOHN9 CAPEN (John, #225) 2935,2936,2937 was born on 21 Oct 1639 at Dorchester, Massachusetts. 2938 He married Susanna Barsham (see #156), daughter of William Barsham and Annabella (--?--), on 19 Nov 1662 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2939, 2940
He was admitted as a Freeman in 1666 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2941
Children of John9 Capen and Susanna Barsham (see #156) were as follows:
  •       i.   JOHN82942,2943,2944 was born at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2945 He died on 7 Aug 1681 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2946

  •     99.  ii.   SUSANNAH.

  •       iii.   SAMUEL2947,2948,2949 was born on 23 Oct 1667 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2950

  •       iv.   THANKFUL2951,2952,2953 was born on 22 Apr 1669 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2954

  •       v.   SARAH2955,2956,2957 was born on 9 Dec 1670 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2958

  •       vi.   DOROTHY2959,2960,2961 was born on 13 Oct 1672 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2962 She died in Nov 1672 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2963

  •       vii.   DOROTHY2964,2965,2966 was born on 16 Sep 1673 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2967

  •       viii.   PURCHASE2968,2969,2970 was born on 14 Nov 1675 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2971

  •       ix.   NATHANIEL2972,2973,2974 was born on 1 Oct 1677 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2975 He died in 1682. 2976

  •       x.   ELIZABETH2977,2978,2979 was born on 17 Apr 1680 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2980

  •       xi.   ELIZABETH2981,2982,2983 was born on 21 Mar 1682 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2984

  •       xii.   HANNAH2985,2986,2987 was baptized on 26 Oct 1684 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2988

156. SUSANNA9 BARSHAM (William, #227) 2989,2990,2991 was born on 28 Jan 1642 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2992 She married John Capen (see #155), son of John Capen and Redigon Clap, on 19 Nov 1662 at Watertown, Massachusetts. 2993, 2994

157. JOSEPH9 MILLER 2995 was born circa 1650. He married Mary Williams (see #158), daughter of Walter Pope, circa 1674 at Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2996 He died in 1697 at Newton, Massachusetts. 2997, 2998, 2999
He signed the Secession Petition in Newton in 1678. 3000 He was admitted as a Freeman in 1685. 3001 He and Mary Williams resided before 1697 at Auburndale, Newton, Massachusetts. 3002
Children of Joseph9 Miller and Mary Williams (see #158) were as follows:
  •       i.   THOMAS83003,3004,3005,3006 was born on 9 Apr 1675 at Newton, Massachusetts. 3007

  •       ii.   JANE3008,3009,3010,3011 was born after 1678. 3012 She died in 1719 at Newton, Massachusetts. 3013

  •       iii.   JOSEPH3014,3015,3016 was born after 1678. 3017 He died in 1711 at Newton, Massachusetts. 3018

  •     100.  iv.   SAMUEL.

158. MARY9 WILLIAMS (Walter Pope, #229) 3019,3020 was born circa 1655. She married Joseph Miller (see #157) circa 1674 at Cambridge, Massachusetts. 3021 She died in 1711 at Newton, Massachusetts. 3022, 3023
She was also known as Mary Pope. 3024 She and Joseph Miller resided before 1697 at Auburndale, Newton, Massachusetts. 3025

159. JOHN9 KIMBALL (Richard, #230) 3026,3027,3028,3029 was born in 1631 at Rattlesden, County Suffolk, England. 3030 He married Mary Bradstreet (see #160), daughter of Humphrey Bradstreet and Bridget (--?--), in 1655 at Massachusetts. 3031 He died on 6 May 1698 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3032
He was a wheelwright and a farmer. 3033 Joseph Kimball acquired the southern end of a farm bounding on the common from John Kimball at Ipswich, Massachusetts, on 29 Apr 1696. 3034
Children of John9 Kimball and Mary Bradstreet (see #160) were as follows:
  •       i.   JOHN83035,3036,3037 was born on 8 Nov 1657 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3038 He died on 24 Feb 1657/58 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3039

  •       ii.   MARY3040,3041,3042 was born on 10 Dec 1658 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3043 She married Dea. Thomas Knowlton on 17 May 1682 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3044

  •       iii.   SARAH3045,3046,3047 was born on 29 Jul 1661 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3048 She married John Potter. 3049 She died in 1724. 3050

  •       iv.   HANNAH3051,3052,3053 was born circa 1662 at Massachusetts. 3054 She died at Massachusetts young. 3055

  •       v.   REBECCA3056,3057,3058 was born in Feb 1663/64 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3059 She married Lull Thomas on 21 Jan 1689 at Massachusetts. 3060

  •       vi.   RICHARD3061,3062,3063 was born on 22 Sep 1665 at Massachusetts. 3064 He died on 26 May 1716 at Massachusetts at age 50. 3065

  •       vii.   ELIZABETH3066,3067,3068 was born on 22 Sep 1665 at Massachusetts. 3069

  •       viii.   ABIGAIL3070,3071,3072 was born on 22 Mar 1667 at Massachusetts. 3073 She married Isaac Esty on 14 Oct 1689 at Massachusetts. 3074 She married William Poole, son of Jonathan Poole, on 25 Apr 1718. 3075

  •       ix.   JOHN3076,3077,3078 was born on 16 Mar 1668/69 at Ipswich, Massachusetts. 3079 He died on 4 May 1761 at Preston, Connecticut, at age 92. 3080

  •       x.   BENJAMIN3081,3082,3083 was born on 22 Jul 1670 at Massachusetts. 3084 He died on 28 May 1716 at Massachusetts at age 45. 3085

  •       xi.   MOSES3086,3087,3088 was born in Sep 1672 at Massachusetts. 3089, 3090 He died on 23 Jan 1750 at age 77. 3091

  •       xii.   AARON3092,3093,3094 was born in Jan 1674 at Massachusetts. 3095 He died before 1698 at Massachusetts. 3096

  •     102.  xiii.   JOSEPH.

160. MARY9 BRADSTREET (Humphrey, #232) 3097,3098,3099,3100,3101 was born in 1633 at England. 3102 She married John Kimball (see #159), son of Richard Kimball and Ursula Scott, in 1655 at Massachusetts. 3103

161. NATHAN9 KNIGHT (George, #234) 3104,3105,3106 was born circa 1667. 3107 He married Mary Westbrook, daughter of John Westbrook and Alice Cate, before Mar 1693 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 3108 He was buried. 3109
He was apprenticed by his mother and step father to Samuel Whidden of Portsmouth, mason for twelve years, five months on 25 Nov 1676. 3110 He was owner of the Black Point Ferry in 1720 at Scarboro, Maine. 3111 He was in military service between 1723 and 1725 in Black Point Garrison as Sergeant Commanding. 3112
Children of Nathan9 Knight include:

162. JAMES9 SANDS 3113,3114 married Patience Gibbins (see #163), daughter of Lieut. James Gibbins and Dorcas Seeley. 3115
Children of James9 Sands and Patience Gibbins (see #163) were as follows:

163. PATIENCE9 GIBBINS (James, #236) 3126,3127,3128 married James Sands (see #162). 3129

164. THOMAS9 JEPSON (John, #238) 3130,3131,3132 was born on 5 Nov 1663 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3133 He married Hannah (--?--) (see #165) circa 1690 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3134 He married Elizabeth Gridley on 12 Nov 1708 at Boston. 3135
He was a tailor. 3136 He resided in 1698 at a brick shop on the Town Dock, Boston. 3137 As of 1716, his address was: Providence or Cook's Street, Boston. 3138
Children of Thomas9 Jepson and Hannah (--?--) (see #165) were as follows:
  •       i.   THOMAS83139,3140,3141 was born circa 1691 at Boston. 3142 He died on 2 Sep 1702. 3143

  •       ii.   RICHARD3144,3145,3146 was born on 16 Apr 1692 at Boston. 3147

  •       iii.   HANNAH3148,3149,3150 was born on 29 Dec 1693 at Boston. 3151 She died on 27 Oct 1714 at Boston at age 20. 3152

  •     107.  iv.   EMMA.

165. HANNAH9 (--?--) 3153 married Thomas Jepson (see #164), son of John Jepson and Emm (--?--), circa 1690 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3154 She died on 6 Jan 1702/3 at Boston. 3155

166. JOSEPH9 COLE 3156 was born circa 1650. 3157
Living in Cape Porpus (?) and York 1670-1680. In 1673 he was absent from church meeting and in 1674 he and three others were found guilty of traveling from York on a Sunday. 3158
Children of Joseph9 Cole include:

167. WILLIAM9 HILTON (William, #240) 3159,3160,3161 was born in 1654 at York, Maine. 3162 He married Anne Parsons, daughter of John Parsons. 3163
He was in military service in Nov 1677 in King Phillip's War. 3164
Children of William9 Hilton include:

168. SAMUEL9 STURGIS (Edward, #242) 3165,3166,3167 was born in 1638 at MA. 3168 He married Mary Hedge (see #169), daughter of Capt. William Hedge and Blanche Hull, circa 1667. 3169 He died on 4 Nov 1674. 3170
Children of Samuel9 Sturgis and Mary Hedge (see #169) were:

169. MARY9 HEDGE (William, #244) 3171,3172,3173 was born in 1648. 3174 She married Samuel Sturgis (see #168), son of Edward Sturgis and Elizabeth (--?--), circa 1667. 3175

170. SAMUEL9 COBB (Henry, #246) 3176,3177,3178 was born on 12 Oct 1654. 3179 He married Elizabeth Taylor (see #171), daughter of Richard Taylor and Ruth Wheldon, on 20 Dec 1680 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3180 He died on 7 Sep 1727 at age 72. 3181
He was also known as Samuel Cob. 3182
Children of Samuel9 Cobb and Elizabeth Taylor (see #171) were as follows:
  •       i.   SARAH83183,3184,3185 was born on 20 Aug 1681 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3186

  •     112.  ii.   THOMAS.

  •       iii.   ELIZABETH3187,3188,3189 was born in Nov 1685 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3190

  •       iv.   HENRY3191,3192,3193 was born on 17 Feb 1687 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3194

  •       v.   SAMUEL3195,3196,3197 was born on 10 Sep 1691 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3198

  •       vi.   MEHITABLE3199,3200,3201 was born on 10 Sep 1691 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3202

  •       vii.   EXPERIENCE3203,3204,3205 was born on 8 Jun 1692 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3206

  •       viii.   JONATHAN3207,3208,3209 was born on 25 Dec 1694 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3210

  •       ix.   ELEAZER3211,3212,3213 was born on 14 Jan 1696 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3214

  •       x.   LYDIA3215,3216,3217 was born on 8 Dec 1699 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3218

171. ELIZABETH9 TAYLOR (Richard, #248) 3219,3220,3221 was born circa 1660. She married Samuel Cobb (see #170), son of Henry Cobb and Sarah Hinckley, on 20 Dec 1680 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3222 She died on 4 May 1721. 3223

172. MATTHEW9 STONE (Simon, #250) 3224,3225,3226 was born on 15 Feb 1659/60. 3227 He married Rachel Pond (see #173), daughter of Daniel Pond and Abigail Shepard, on 16 Jul 1681 at Dedham, Massachusetts. 3228, 3229 He died on 12 Aug 1743 at age 83. 3230
Children of Matthew9 Stone and Rachel Pond (see #173) were:

173. RACHEL9 POND (Daniel, #252) 3231,3232,3233 was born in Sep 1658. 3234 She married Matthew Stone (see #172), son of Simon Stone and Mary Whipple, on 16 Jul 1681 at Dedham, Massachusetts. 3235, 3236 She died in 1695/96 at Dedham, Massachusetts. 3237

174. CAPT. JOHN9 GORHAM (Ralph, #254) 3238,3239 was born in 1620/21 at Northamptonshsire, England. 3240, 3241 He married Desire Howland (see #175), daughter of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley, in 1643 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. 3242, 3243 He died on 1 Feb 1675/76 at Swansea, Massachusetts. 3244, 3245
He and Ralph Gorham immigrated to Plymouth, Massachusetts, circa 1635 from England with their family. 3246, 3247 He was a tanner and currier of leather in winter, and a farmer in summer between 1646 and 1676 at Marshfield, Massachusetts. 3248 He was admitted as a Freeman on 4 Jun 1650 at Marshfield. 3249 He moved in 1652 to Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3250 He enlisted in the Massachusetts Militia on 4 Oct 1675 during King Phillip's War and was elected Captain. 3251 He led his company in the Battle at Narragansett Swamp 19 Dec 1675 and was wounded "by having his powder horn Shot and Split against his side." The wound became infected and he died later of the fever. 3252, 3253 The Town of Gorham, Maine was named for him. 3254
Children of Capt. John9 Gorham and Desire Howland (see #175) were as follows:
  •     179.  i.   DESIRE8.

  •       ii.   TEMPERANCE3255,3256,3257 was born on 5 May 1646 at Marshfield, Massachusetts. 3258 She married Edward Sturgis Jr., son of Edward Sturgis and Elizabeth (--?--). 3259

  •       iii.   ELIZABETH3260,3261,3262 was born on 2 Apr 1648 at Marshfield, Massachusetts. 3263

  •     114.  iv.   JAMES.

  •       v.   JOHN3264,3265,3266 was born on 20 Feb 1651 at Marshfield, Massachusetts. 3267

  •       vi.   JOSEPH3268,3269,3270 was born on 16 Feb 1653 at Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3271

  •       vii.   JABEZ3272,3273,3274 was born on 3 Aug 1656 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3275

  •       viii.   MERCY3276,3277,3278 was born on 20 Jan 1658 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3279

  •       ix.   LYDIA3280,3281,3282 was born on 11 Nov 1661 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3283

  •       x.   HANNAH3284,3285,3286 was born on 28 Nov 1663 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3287

  •       xi.   SHUBAEL3288,3289,3290 was born on 21 Oct 1667 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3291

175. DESIRE9 HOWLAND (John, #255) 3292,3293,3294,3295 was born circa 1625 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. 3296, 3297 She married Capt. John Gorham (see #174), son of Ralph Gorham, in 1643 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. 3298, 3299 She died on 13 Oct 1683 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3300, 3301

First Muster, 1637

176. THOMAS9 HUCKINS 3302,3303 was born in 1618 at England. 3304, 3305 He married Mary Wells in 1642 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3306 He married Mrs. Rose Hillier (see #177) on 3 Nov 1648 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3307 He died on 29 Nov 1679 at sea "cast away". 3308, 3309

He was in military service in 1637 in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, and bore its standard. 3310 Able to bear arms. 3311 He was a planter in 1643 at Barnstable. 3312 He was admitted as a Freeman on 3 Jun 1652 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3313
Children of Thomas9 Huckins and Mrs. Rose Hillier (see #177) all born at Barnstable, Massachusetts, were as follows:

177. MRS. ROSE9 HILLIER 3327 was born circa 1620. She married Hugh Hillier circa 1642. 3328 She married Thomas Huckins (see #176) on 3 Nov 1648 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3329 She died in 1687 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3330
She was also known as Widow Tillye. 3331

178. CAPT. JOHN9 HAWES (Edmund Howes, #257) 3332,3333 was born between 1635 and 1640 at Duxbury, Massachusetts. 3334 He married Desire Gorham (see #179), daughter of Capt. John Gorham and Desire Howland, on 7 Oct 1661 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3335, 3336 He died on 11 Nov 1701 at Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3337
He was also known as John Howes. 3338 He was a cutler in 1661 at Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3339
Children of Capt. John9 Hawes and Desire Gorham (see #179) all born at Yarmouth, Massachusetts, were as follows:

179. DESIRE9 GORHAM (John, #174) 3380,3381,3382,3383,3384,3385 was born on 2 Apr 1644 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. 3386 She married Capt. John Hawes (see #178), son of Edmund Howes, on 7 Oct 1661 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 3387, 3388 She died on 30 Jun 1700 at Yarmouth, at age 56. 3389
Her married name was Howes. She was a cutler. 3390

180. JEREMIAH9 HOWES (Thomas, #260) 3391,3392,3393,3394 was born in 1637. 3395, 3396 He married Sarah Prence (see #181), daughter of Gov. Thomas Prence and Mary Collier, in 1668 at Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3397, 3398, 3399 He died on 9 Dec 1708 at Yarmouth. 3400 His will was proved on 14 Aug 1708 at Barnstable. 3401
He was also known as Jeremy Howes. 3402 He was admitted as a Freeman in 1663 at Massachusetts. 3403
Children of Jeremiah9 Howes and Sarah Prence (see #181) were:
  •     117.  i.   MARY8.

181. SARAH9 PRENCE (Thomas, #262) 3404,3405,3406,3407 was born between 1643 and 1646 at Nauset (Eastham), Massachusetts. 3408, 3409, 3410 She married Jeremiah Howes (see #180), son of Thomas Howes and Mary (--?--), in 1668 at Yarmouth, Massachusetts. 3411, 3412, 3413 She died on 3 Mar 1706/7 at Yarmoth (now North Dennis), Massachusetts. 3414, 3415
She was also known as Sarah Hows. 3416

182. THOMAS9 BRACKETT (Anthony, #264) 3417,3418 was born circa 1635 at Sandy Beach, Strawberry Bank (now Rye), New Hampshire. 3419 He married Mary Mitton (see #183), daughter of Michael Mitton and Elizabeth Cleve, circa 1660. 3420, 3421, 3422 He died on 11 Aug 1676 at Falmouth, Maine, killed by Indians, including one called Megunnaway, and his family was captured. 3423
Elizabeth Cleve agreed to living arrangements with Thomas Brackett in 1671 at Greenland, New Hampshire, in exchange for land. 3424 He was elected Selectman in 1672 at Falmouth, Maine. 3425
Children of Thomas9 Brackett and Mary Mitton (see #183) all born at Falmouth, Maine, were as follows:

183. MARY9 MITTON (Michael, #265) 3440,3441,3442,3443 was born after 1638 at Falmouth, Maine. 3444, 3445 She married Thomas Brackett (see #182), son of Anthony Brackett, circa 1660. 3446, 3447, 3448 She died in 1677 at Maine. 3449
She was also known as Mary Milton. 3450, 3451 Thomas Brackett was murdered in an Indian attack on 11 Aug 1676 at Falmouth during King Phillip's War and the rest of the family was captured. They were held by the Indians under severe conditions and released the following year. 3452 She died while a captive of Indians. 3453

184. LEONARD9 WEEKS 3454 was born circa 1632. 3455 He married Mary Redman, daughter of John Redman. 3456 He married Elizabeth Haynes. 3457 He married Mary Haines (see #185), daughter of Samuel Haines, in 1667 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 3458 He died in 1707 at Greenland, New Hampshire. 3459
He was employed at Greenland, New Hampshire, as servant for Capt. Champernowne circa 1646. 3460 He moved in Jan 1656 to Winnicut (now Portsmouth), New Hampshire, 8 acres. 3461 Was fined for swearing. 3462 He was elected Selectman in 1662 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 3463 Stood for Massachusetts rather than for the Crown. 3464
Children of Leonard9 Weeks and Mary Haines (see #185) all born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, were as follows:

185. MARY9 HAINES (Samuel, #267) 3481,3482,3483 was born circa 1635. 3484 She married Leonard Weeks (see #184) in 1667 at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 3485

186. JAMES9 HARMON 3486 was born circa 1630 at England. 3487 He married Sarah Clark (see #187), daughter of Edward Clark and Barbara (--?--), on 6 May 1658 at Saco, Maine, or 1659. 3488, 3489 He died before 1680 at Wells, Maine. 3490
He immigrated to Salem, Massachusetts, in Oct 1653 aboard Happy Entrance from England. 3491
Children of James9 Harmon and Sarah Clark (see #187) were as follows:
  •     120.  i.   JOHN8.

  •       ii.   JANE3492,3493,3494 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3495

  •       iii.   JAMES3496,3497,3498 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3499
          He was a mariner in 1693 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3500

  •       iv.   SAMUEL3501,3502,3503 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3504
          He was a cordwainer in 1693 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3505

  •       v.   BARBARA3506,3507,3508 was born on 6 Dec 1667 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3509

187. SARAH9 CLARK (Edward, #268) 3510,3511,3512,3513 was born circa 1630. 3514 She married James Harmon (see #186) on 6 May 1658 at Saco, Maine, or 1659. 3515, 3516 She died after 1693. 3517

188. WILLIAM9 ROBERTS 3518 was born circa 1620. 3519 He died in 1675 at Oyster River, New Hampshire, killed by Indians. 3520

Children of William9 Roberts include:
  •     121.  i.   SARAH8.

189. JOHN9 LIBBY 3521 was born circa 1602 at Wales (by early tradition). 3522, 3523, 3524 He died in 1682/83 at Scarborough, Maine. 3525, 3526
He immigrated to Richmond Island, Maine, on 30 Nov 1636 in the Hercules with the Plymouth Company from England. 3527 He moved on 13 Feb 1639/40 to Libby's common landing place, New Hampshire. 3528 He was appointed constable at Black Rock, Scarboro, Maine, in 1664. 3529 He was elected Selectman in 1676 at Scarboro, Maine. 3530 He made a will on 9 Feb 1683 at Scarborough, Maine. 3531
Children of John9 Libby include:
  •       i.   ABIGAIL8.3532,3533

  •       ii.   ANTHONY.3534,3535

  •       iii.   MARY.3536,3537

  •       iv.   JAMES3538,3539 died in 1676/77 killed as a soldier in King Phillip's War. 3540

  •       v.   SAMUEL3541,3542 died in Jul 1677 at Boston, Massachusetts, of illness as soldier in King Phillip's War. 3543

  •       vi.   JOANNA.3544,3545

  •       vii.   REBECCA.3546,3547

  •       viii.   DANIEL3548,3549 was born at Scarboro, Maine. 3550

  •       ix.   HANNAH3551,3552 was born at Scarboro, Maine. 3553

  •       x.   MATTHEW3554,3555 was born at Scarboro, Maine. 3556

  •       xi.   JOHN3557,3558 was born before 1637 at Maine. 3559

  •       xii.   HENRY3560,3561 was born before 1648. 3562

  •       xiii.   SARAH3563,3564 was born circa 1654. 3565 She married Christopher Banfield. 3566 She married Robert Tidy.3567 She married Richard Rogers, son of George Rogers, at Kittery, Maine. 3568
          She was also known as Sarah Libby. 3569

  •     124.  xiv.   DAVID.

190. THOMAS9 HANSCOM 3570 was born circa 1623 at England. 3571 He married Ann (--?--) (see #191) on 16 May 1664 at Kittery, Maine. 3572
Thomas Hanscom was ordered not to live with Mary Beedle (wife of Rev. Steven Batchelder, an ancestor of Pebble May Fisk) in Jun 1654 at Kittery, Maine. 3573
Children of Thomas9 Hanscom and Ann (--?--) (see #191) were as follows:
  •     126.  i.   THOMAS8.

  •       ii.   JOHN3574,3575,3576 was born on 15 Sep 1668 at Kittery, Maine. 3577

  •       iii.   ALICE3578,3579,3580 was born on 12 Mar 1671 at Kittery, Maine. 3581

  •       iv.   SAMUEL3582,3583,3584 was born on 10 Apr 1675 at Kittery, Maine. 3585

  •       v.   MOSES3586,3587,3588 was born in 1770 at Kittery, Maine. 3589

191. ANN9 (--?--) 3590 was born circa 1640. She married Thomas Hanscom (see #190) on 16 May 1664 at Kittery, Maine. 3591 She died in 1670 at Kittery, Maine. 3592

192. RICHARD9 ROGERS (George, #270) 3593,3594 was born circa 1643 at Kittery, Maine. 3595 Esther (--?--) the widow of "R.R." married Richard Rogers. 3596 He married Sarah Libby, daughter of John Libby, at Kittery, Maine. 3597
He was a ship's carpenter at Eliot (Kittery), Maine. 3598 He made a will on 11 Jan 1700 at Kittery, Maine. 3599
Children of Richard9 Rogers and Esther (--?--) (see #193) were as follows:

193. ESTHER9 (--?--) 3609 was born circa 1640. Esther (--?--) the widow of "R.R." married Richard Rogers, son of George Rogers. 3610
In court on a long list of offenders. 3611

194. JAMES9 HARMON 3612 was born circa 1630 at England. 3613 He married Sarah Clark (see #187), daughter of Edward Clark and Barbara (--?--), on 6 May 1658 at Saco, Maine, or 1659. 3614, 3615 He died before 1680 at Wells, Maine. 3616
He immigrated to Salem, Massachusetts, in Oct 1653 aboard Happy Entrance from England. 3617
Children of James9 Harmon and Sarah Clark (see #187) were as follows:
  •     120.  i.   JOHN8.

  •       ii.   JANE3618,3619,3620 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3621

  •       iii.   JAMES3622,3623,3624 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3625
          He was a mariner in 1693 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3626

  •       iv.   SAMUEL3627,3628,3629 was born circa 1661 at Wells, Maine. 3630
          He was a cordwainer in 1693 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3631

  •       v.   BARBARA3632,3633,3634 was born on 6 Dec 1667 at Boston, Massachusetts. 3635

195. SARAH9 CLARK (Edward, #268) 3636,3637,3638,3639 was born circa 1630. 3640 She married James Harmon (see #186) on 6 May 1658 at Saco, Maine, or 1659. 3641, 3642 She died after 1693. 3643

196. WILLIAM9 ROBERTS 3644 was born circa 1620. 3645 He died in 1675 at Oyster River, New Hampshire, killed by Indians. 3646

Children of William9 Roberts include:
  •     121.  i.   SARAH8.

197. FRANCIS9 SMALL (Edward, #273) 3647,3648,3649 was baptized on 6 Oct 1625 at St. Mary's Parish, Bideford, County Devon, England. 3650, 3651 He married Elizabeth Leighton (see #198) circa 1652 in New England. 3652, 3653 He died after 1712 at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, he spent his last years in the home of his son Daniel. 3654
He and Edward Small immigrated to Maine circa 1634 with Fernando Gorgas, leaving a wife and four children in England. 3655 He resided between 1634 and 1690 at Dover, Casco Bay, Small's Island, Ossipee, Kittery, Sturgeon Creek. 3656 He was a planter, fisherman and noted Indian trader between 1648 and 1690. 3657, 3658 He and Elizabeth Leighton moved circa 1700 to Truro, Massachusetts, with son Daniel. 3659
Children of Francis9 Small and Elizabeth Leighton (see #198) were as follows:

198. ELIZABETH9 LEIGHTON 3687 was born circa 1634 at England. 3688, 3689 She married Francis Small (see #197), son of Edward Small, circa 1652 in New England. 3690, 3691 She died after 1712 at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. 3692
She and Francis Small moved circa 1700 to Truro, Massachusetts, with son Daniel. 3693

199. JAMES9 HEARD (John, #274) 3694,3695,3696 was born before 1626 at England. 3697 He married Shuah Conley (see #200), daughter of Abraham Conley, circa 1660 at Kittery, Maine. 3698 He died before Nov 1676 at Kittery, Maine. 3699
He and John Heard immigrated to Piscataqua (now Kittery), Maine, circa 1634 from England. 3700 He was elected Town Clerk and Selectman, but was removed from both because he was a Quaker between 1657 and 1662 at Kittery. 3701, 3702 He was in military service on 4 Jul 1659 in Kittery as an Ensign. 3703 On 7 July 1663 he and his family were charged with "absenting themselves from the publique meeting... & for Intertyaing quakers," for which they were all fined £3:10. 3704
Children of James9 Heard and Shuah Conley (see #200) all born at Kittery, Maine, were as follows:

200. SHUAH9 CONLEY (Abraham, #276) 3725,3726 was born circa 1620. She married James Heard (see #199), son of John Heard and Isabel (--?--), circa 1660 at Kittery, Maine. 3727 She married Richard Otis circa 28 Nov 1676 at Kittery, Maine. 3728
She was also known as Shuah Starbuck. 3729

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