16. EDMUND5 FLOOD (James, #30) 355 was born in 1765 at Portland, Maine. 356, 357 He married Martha Lombard (see #17), daughter of Calvin Lombard and Martha Grant, on 10 Aug 1788 at Gorham, Maine. 358, 359 He married 2nd Mrs. Martha Irish on 2 Aug 1832 at Gorham, Maine. 360 He died on 20 Jan 1842 at Buxton, Maine. 361, 362
Children of Edmund5 Flood and Martha Lombard (see #17) all born at Buxton, Maine, were as follows:
  •       i.   CALVIN4363,364,365 was born on 22 Jun 1789. 366 He died in Sep 1791 at Buxton, Maine, at age 2. 367

  •       ii.   LUTHER368,369,370 was born on 25 Sep 1791. 371 He married Anna Libby. 372

  •       iii.   TABITHA373,374,375 was born on 22 Feb 1793. 376 She married Samuel McLellan on 10 Jan 1813 at Buxton, Maine. 377
          She was also known as Tabathy Flood. 378

  •     8.  iv.   CALVIN.

  •       v.   JAMES379,380,381 was born on 7 Mar 1798. 382 He witnessed the marriage of James Flood and Caroline Sothrop on 24 Jan 1825 at Buxton, Maine. 383

  •       vi.   MARTHA384,385,386 was born on 7 Mar 1800. 387 She married Samuel Mosher on 22 Jan 1826 at Buxton, Maine. 388

  •       vii.   ABIGAIL389,390,391,392 was born on 6 Jul 1802. 393, 394 She married Bryce S. Edwards. 395

  •       viii.   DAVID396,397,398 was born on 14 Nov 1804. 399

  •       ix.   EDMUND400,401,402 was born on 14 Nov 1804. 403

  •       x.   GARDNER404 was born on 19 Apr 1810. 405, 406, 407 He married Mary S. Flood circa 1830 at Buxton, Maine. 408 He married Abigail McKenney on 23 Jun 1841 at Buxton, Maine, sister of his first wife. 409, 410, 411, 412 He died on 13 Nov 1897 at Buxton, Maine, at age 87. 413
          He was listed in the 1860 Census at Buxton, Maine. 414

17. MARTHA5 LOMBARD (Calvin, #32) 415,416,417,418 was born on 4 Dec 1768 at Gorham, Maine. 419, 420, 421 She married Edmund Flood (see #16), son of James Flood (Sr.) and Abigail Thomas, on 10 Aug 1788 at Gorham, Maine. 422, 423 She died on 21 Jun 1830 at Buxton, Maine, at age 61. 424,425

18. WILLIAM5 BINFORD (William, #34) 426,427,428,429 was born on 3 Apr 1755 at Boston, Massachusetts. 430, 431 He married Dorcas Richardson (see #19), daughter of Jeremiah Richardson and Dorcas Hall, on 13 Feb 1780 at Newton, Massachusetts. 432, 433 He died in Nov 1827 at Buxton, Maine, at age 72. 434
He was a soldier between 1775 and 1779 in the 37th Regt., Continental Line, during the American Revolution. He was at Prospect Hill, 1775-76. 435, 436 In April 1780 he served aboard the ship Protector out of Boston as a seaman. 437
Children of William5 Binford and Dorcas Richardson (see #19) were:

19. DORCAS5 RICHARDSON (Jeremiah, #36) 438,439,440,441,442 was born on 23 Feb 1762 at Newton, Massachusetts. 443, 444 She married William Binford (see #18), son of William Binford and Phoebe Mansur, on 13 Feb 1780 at Newton, Massachusetts. 445, 446 She died in Feb 1832. 447

20. DANIEL5 KIMBALL (Joshua, #38) 448,449,450,451,452 was born on 27 Mar 1768 at Buxton, Maine. 453, 454, 455, 456 He married Mary Briant (see #21), daughter of Jerathamel Bryant and Sarah McLucas, on 2 Mar 1790 at Buxton, Maine. 457, 458, 459 He died on 22 Jun 1847 at Buxton, Maine, at age 79. 460,461,462,463
Children of Daniel5 Kimball and Mary Briant (see #21) were as follows:
  •       i.   MARTHA4464,465,466 was born on 22 May 1793. 467 She married Thomas Hudsdon on 9 Dec 1810. 468

  •       ii.   POLLY469,470,471 was born on 5 Apr 1794. 472 She and Samuel Phinney were engaged on 5 Jan 1818. 473

  •     10.  iii.   NATHAN.

  •       iv.   DANIEL474,475,476 was born on 28 Feb 1795. 477 He died on 17 Nov 1857 at age 62. 478

  •       v.   BETSEY479,480,481 was born on 2 Sep 1799. 482 She died on 21 Oct 1809 at age 10. 483

  •       vi.   HANNAH484,485,486 was born on 12 Jul 1803. 487 She married Edward Skillings on 26 May 1823. 488

  •       vii.   ELMYRA489,490,491 was born on 3 Nov 1805. 492

21. MARY5 BRIANT (Jerathamel Bryant, #40) 493,494,495,496 was born in 1755. 497, 498 She married Daniel Kimball (see #20), son of Joshua Kimball and Martha Elden, on 2 Mar 1790 at Buxton, Maine. 499, 500, 501 She died on 18 Jun 1832 at Buxton, Maine. 502, 503, 504
Her nick name was Polly. 505, 506

22. GEORGE5 FILES (William, #42) 507,508,509 was born on 2 Feb 1766 at Gorham, Maine. 510, 511 He married Temperance Sturgis (see #23), daughter of Jonathan Sturgis and Temperance Gorham, on 10 Oct 1789 at West Gorham, Maine. 512, 513 He died on 7 Jan 1853 at West Gorham, Maine, at age 86. 514
Children of George5 Files and Temperance Sturgis (see #23) were as follows:
  •       i.   TEMPERANCE4515,516,517 was born on 20 Jun 1791 at York, Maine. 518 He/she married Elizabeth Ayer on 9 Feb 1814 at Gorham, Maine. 519

  •     11.  ii.   ABIGAIL S..

  •       iii.   TAHPENES520,521,522 was born on 8 Aug 1796 at Gorham, Maine. 523 She married Alexander Phinney on 21 Jan 1819 at Gorham, Maine. 524

  •       iv.   SALLY525,526,527 was born in 1803 at Gorham, Maine. 528 She died on 9 Jan 1886 at Gorham, Maine. 529

  •       v.   LOUISA530,531,532 was born in 1806 at Gorham, Maine. 533 She died on 21 Mar 1896 at Gorham, Maine. 534

  •       vi.   JONATHAN S535,536,537 was born in 1811 at Gorham, Maine. 538 He witnessed the marriage of Jonathan S. Files and Levisa Whitney on 15 Feb 1835 at Gorham, Maine. 539

23. TEMPERANCE5 STURGIS (Jonathan, #44) 540,541,542,543,544 was born on 5 Nov 1768 at Barnstable, Massachusetts. 545, 546 She married George Files (see #22), son of William Files and Joanna More, on 10 Oct 1789 at West Gorham, Maine. 547, 548 She died on 20 Sep 1824 at West Gorham, Maine, at age 55. 549

24. JOHN5 BRACKETT (Joshua, #46) 550,551 was born on 6 Mar 1774 at New Market, New Hampshire. 552 He married Mehitable(?) Wiggin (see #25) before 1796. 553 He died at New Market, New Hampshire. 554
He was a Blacksmith and his name was Black John. 555
Children of John5 Brackett and Mehitable(?) Wiggin (see #25) were as follows:
  •     12.  i.   JOHN4.

  •       ii.   MARTHA556,557,558 was born in 1803 at New Hampshire. She married Moses Rumery on 22 Feb 1823 at Lee, New Hampshire. 559 She died in 1884 at New Hampshire.
          Her married name was Ramney .

  •       iii.   .
          (--?--).560,561, 562 Her married name was Foss . 563

25. MEHITABLE(?)5 WIGGIN 564 was born circa 1774. 565 She married John Brackett (see #24), son of Joshua Brackett, before 1796. 566

26. TIMOTHY5 CHAPMAN 567 was born circa 1770. He married Elizabeth (--?--) (see #27) circa 1798. 568
Children of Timothy5 Chapman and Elizabeth (--?--) (see #27) were:

27. ELIZABETH5 (--?--) 569 was born circa 1770. She married Timothy Chapman (see #26) circa 1798. 570

28. JONATHAN5 HARMON (William, #47) 571,572,573 was born on 6 Aug 1743 at Scarboro, Maine. 574, 575 He married Dorcas Harmon (see #29), daughter of James Harmon and Elizabeth Small, on 22 Oct 1764 at Scarboro, Maine. 576, 577 He died in 1832 at Madison, New Hampshire. 578
He enlisted in Capt. Benjamin Larrabee's Co., Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt., Massachusetts Militia, on 8 Jul 1779 as a private during the American Revolution. He participated in the Bagaduce Expedition. 579, 580

Jonathan Harmon moved to Eaton, NH about 1815 with his son Abner. His farm was in what is now [1900] East Madison, on the Madison road. The old gentleman always wore knee breeches with his hair in a que. In 1832, when standing before an open fire-place, he was stricken with a dizziness and fell into the fire. He was pulled out by his grandson, Cyrus, who was standing near, but he was fatally burned and died shortly afterwards and was buried on the hill on the left side of the road going toward Madison Corner. His grave is marked by a large field boulder. 581

Children of Jonathan5 Harmon and Dorcas Harmon (see #29) were:

29. DORCAS5 HARMON (James, #49) 582,583,584,585 was born on 12 Aug 1746 at Scarboro, Maine. 586, 587 She married Jonathan Harmon (see #28), son of William Harmon and Esther Libby, on 22 Oct 1764 at Scarboro, Maine. 588, 589

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