32. DR. EBENEZER6 FISKE (Ebenezer, #52) 699 was born in 1748 at New Hampshire. 700, 701, 702 He married Elizabeth (--?--) (see #33) before 1769 at New Hampshire. 703 He married Azuba Hoyt on 8 Jan 1795 at Chester, Vermont. 704, 705 He died on 7 Oct 1816 at Chester, Vermont. 706
He was an early resident of Norwich, VT "a handsome man some 6 feet tall, well proportioned, healthy and quite an athelete. He was a natural doctor and became eminent in his profession as in making a diagnosis he exhibited rare ability." 707 He was a Physician in 1772. 708 He signed the Association Test in 1776 at Epping, New Hampshire. 709, 710
Children of Dr. Ebenezer6 Fiske and Elizabeth (--?--) (see #33) were as follows:
  •     16.  i.   DAVID5.

  •       ii.   JONATHAN.

  •       iii.   EBENEZER was born on 12 Mar 1769 at New Hampshire. 711

  •       iv.   JONATHAN712,713,714 was born circa 1772 at New Hampshire. 715

33. ELIZABETH6 (--?--) 716 was born circa 1750. She married Dr. Ebenezer Fiske (see #32), son of Dr. Ebenezer Fiske and Elizabeth Cotton, before 1769 at New Hampshire. 717 She died before 1795.
Her nick name was Betsey. 718

34. DR. JOSEPH6 LEWIS (William, #54) 719,720 was born in Nov 1746 at Old Lyme, Connecticut. 721, 722 He married Experience Burr (see #35), daughter of Ebenezer Burr and Hannah Wetmore, in 1771 at Norwich, Vermont. 723, 724, 725 He died on 18 Jun 1833 at Norwich, Vermont, at age 86. 726,727,728,729
He was a leading physician in Norwich for fifty-five years between 1767 and 1822. 730 He enlisted in the Continental Army, Norwich, Vermont, in 1775 and appointed a Surgeon's Mate. He joined the expedition on the Kennebec River under Benedict Arnold and he was present at the assault on Quebec. He was wounded in 1778 as a member of Capt William Hutchins Company. 731, 732 He was discharged from military service in Canada in 1776 after spending the winter treating soldiers who had taken the smallpox. 733 In November 1829, his home and adjoining buildings in Norwich were destroyed by a fire along with furniture, library and provisions in store for the winter. From this time, his health rapidly failed until he died. 734
Children of Dr. Joseph6 Lewis and Experience Burr (see #35) were as follows:
  •       i.   JOEL5735,736,737 was born at Norwich, Vermont, an invalid from childhood, he remained at home. 738 He died on 10 Mar 1821 at Norwich, Vermont. 739

  •       ii.   NAOMIA740,741,742,743 was born on 24 Dec 1773 at Norwich, Vermont. 744 She died on 20 Jan 1774 at Norwich, Vermont. 745, 746

  •       iii.   JOEL747,748,749 was born on 16 Feb 1777 at Haddam, Connecticut. 750 He died on 10 Mar 1820 at age 43. 751

  •       iv.   LYMAN752,753,754,755 was born on 16 Feb 1777 at Norwich, Vermont. 756 He married Mary Stiles on 18 Feb 1798. 757
          He graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire. 758

  •     17.  v.   NAOMIA.

  •       vi.   JOSEPH759,760,761 was born on 24 Jun 1782 at Norwich, Vermont. 762 He married Sally Cloud on 24 Jun 1804 at Norwich, New Hampshire. 763 He died on 22 Apr 1826 at Norwich, New Hampshire, at age 43. 764
          He was a physician. 765

  •       vii.   ENOS766,767,768 was born on 19 Jan 1784 at Norwich, Vermont. 769 He married Keturah Denison, daughter of Beebe Denison, on 28 Jun 1812 at Norwich, Vermont. 770 He died on 14 Sep 1823 at Norwich, New Hampshire, at age 39. 771
          He was a physician. 772 He was educated at the Dartmouth Medical College between 1800 and 1804. 773 He was in military service between 1808 and 1810 in the U.S. Army as a surgeon. 774

  •       viii.   LUCY775,776,777 was born on 19 Feb 1792 at Norwich, Vermont. 778 She died on 12 Apr 1797 at Norwich, Vermont, at age 5. 779,780

  •       ix.   ALPHA was born on 3 Jan 1796 at Norwich, Vermont. 781 She married Abel Partridge on 23 Nov 1815 at Norwich, Vermont. 782 She died on 14 Mar 1871 at Norwich, New Hampshire, at age 75. 783
          Her married name was Partridge.

35. EXPERIENCE6 BURR (Ebenezer, #56) 784,785,786 was born in 1743 at Haddam, Connecticut. 787, 788, 789 She married Dr. Joseph Lewis (see #34), son of William Enos Lewis and Naomi Brockway, in 1771 at Norwich, Vermont. 790, 791, 792 She died on 18 Feb 1819 at Norwich, Vermont. 793, 794, 795, 796 She was buried in Fairview Cemetery. 797

36. CAPT. JOHN6 METCALFE (John, #58) 798,799,800,801 was born in 1724 at "Long Branch", Fauquier Co., VA. 802, 803 He married Sybil Farrow (see #37), daughter of Abraham Farrow and Sybell (--?--), circa 1750 at VA. 804 He married Sarah Dent, daughter of Robert Dent, before 20 Mar 1780. 805 He died on 8 May 1799 at Nicholas Co., Kentucky. 806

He was also known as John Metcalfe II. 807 He enlisted in the Continental Army between 1775 and 1783 during the American Revolution. He raised a company of volunteers in Fauquier County and was elected their Captain. 808, 809 He and his family and slaves and the Shackleford family migrated to Fayette Co., KY where he had been granted land by the State of Virginia for military service. He settled near Russell's Cave. 810 He was "a fine character who detested all kinds of vice. He was a close student and possessed a large library.". 811, 812
Children of Capt. John6 Metcalfe and Sybil Farrow (see #37) were as follows:
  •       i.   NANCY5813 was born at VA. 814 She married John Davis. 815

  •       ii.   ELIZABETH816 was born at VA. 817 She married McClanahan Moore on 21 Nov 1786.

  •       iii.   KIZIAH818,819 died circa 1780 young. 820, 821

  •       iv.   CHARLES822,823 was born in 1761 at VA. 824, 825 He married Elizabeth Blackerby on 18 Jan 1781 at Fauquier Co., VA. 826, 827 He died at Kentucky. 828
          He was a farmer circa 1800 at Mason Co., Kentucky. 829

  •     20.  v.   JOHN.

  •       vi.   JAMES830 was born after 1784.

  •       vii.   WILLIAM831 was born after 1784. 832 He married Betsy Barnett.

  •       viii.   CHRISTOPHER833 married Sarah Shackleford, daughter of James Shackleford and Mary Stamps, at Fauquier Co., VA. 834

  •       ix.   .
          MARY. 835 Her married name was Rodgers. 836

  •       x.   IRA837 was born after 1784.

  •       xi.   ELIAS838 was born on 13 Nov 1768 at Fauquier Co., VA. 839, 840, 841 He married Sarah "Sallie" Pickett on 29 Dec 1788 at VA first cousins. 842 He died on 18 Dec 1859 at Kentucky at age 91. 843
          He and Sarah "Sallie" Pickett had fourteen children. 844

  •       xii.   ILLA.845

37. SYBIL6 FARROW (Abraham, #60) 846,847,848 was born circa 1725. 849 She married Capt. John Metcalfe (see #36), son of John Metcalfe and Dianna Watkins, circa 1750 at VA. 850
She was also known as Sibell Farrow. 851 She was also known as Sabina Farrar. 852, 853

38. JAMES6 ALLEN was born circa 1730. 854 He married Mary Stamps (see #39), daughter of Thomas Stamps and Mary Rose, before 1760. 855 He died circa 1761 at VA.
Children of James6 Allen and Mary Stamps (see #39) were:

39. MARY6 STAMPS (Thomas, #62) 856,857,858,859 was born circa 1730 at Fauquier Co, VA. 860 She married James Allen (see #38) before 1760. 861 She married James Shackleford, son of John Shackleford and Ann (--?--), before 17 Feb 1763 at VA. 862
She and James Shackleford resided before 1784 at Walnut Branch, Decar Run, Fauquier Co., VA, raised tobacco and farmed. 863

40. JAMES6 HUTCHERSON (Thomas, #64) 864,865,866 was born circa 1740 at Spottsylvania Co., VA. 867 He married Margaret Alsup (see #41), daughter of William Alsup and Sarah Jones, before 1767. 868 He died on 28 Jul 1806 at VA. 869
He was the farmer of 100 acres set off by William Alsup from land leased from John Tailferro on 5 Sep 1769 at Spottsylvania Co., VA. 870
Children of James6 Hutcherson and Margaret Alsup (see #41) were:

41. MARGARET6 ALSUP (William, #66) 871,872,873 was born circa 1737 at VA. 874 She married James Hutcherson (see #40), son of Thomas Hutcherson and (--?--) Richerson, before 1767. 875 She died on 5 Mar 1815 at VA. 876

42. ELIZABETH6 GOUGE 877 was born circa 1740. She was buried in Cynthiannia, Kentucky. 878
She migrated to Cynthiannia, Kentucky, before 1794 from Maryland with her sons and her daughter's husband. 879
Children of Elizabeth6 Gouge include:

43. WILLIAM6 MORGAN (Thomas, #68) 880,881 was born circa 1720 at VA. 882
Children of William6 Morgan include:
  •     24.  i.   DAVID5.

44. JAMES6 POTEAT 883 was born circa 1740 at VA. 884
Children of James6 Poteat include:
  •     25.  i.   ANNE5.

45. WILLIAM6 GRAHAM SR 885 was born circa 1700 at Co. Donegal, Ireland. 886 He married Jane (--?--) (see #46) circa 1730 at Ireland. 887 He died in 1751 at Augusta Co., VA. 888
He and John Graham Sr. immigrated to Chester Co., PA, in 1741 from Ireland. Scots-Irish Presbyterians, the Grahams were Scots settled in Ireland by the English to help suppress the Irish in the shore counties of Down, Antrim, Londonderry and Donegal. In the colonies, William and his brother found all the available land taken, so they moved south into Virginia and settled on the Calf Pasture River. 889 He resided in 1742 at Calf Pasture River, Augusta Co., VA. 890
Children of William6 Graham Sr. and Jane (--?--) (see #46) were as follows:
  •       i.   ROBERT5891,892,893 was born circa 1735 at Co. Donegal, Ireland. 894

  •       ii.   JAMES895,896,897 was born circa 1735 at Co. Donegal, Ireland. 898
          On 26 May 1751 a court ordered orphans James and David to be bound to their uncle John, but this was not a happy arrangement. 899

  •     28.  iii.   DAVID.

46. JANE6 (--?--) 900 was born circa 1700 at Co. Donegal, Ireland. 901 She married William Graham Sr. (see #45) circa 1730 at Ireland. 902 She married Alexander Stuart in 1776 at Augusta Co,, VA. 903

47. JOHN6 ARMSTRONG 904 was born circa 1700. 905 He died before 1764 at VA. 906
He was in military service in 1742 in Militia Co. No 1, Augusta Co., VA, under Captain John Smith and Colonel James Patton. 907 He enlisted in the Augusta Co. Militia, VA, on 17 Mar 1753 and qualified as Lieutenant of Foot. 908
Children of John6 Armstrong include:
  •     29.  i.   JANE5.

48. THOMAS6 WITTEN SR. (Thomas, #69) 909,910,911 was born on 10 Sep 1719 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 912, 913 He married Elizabeth Cecil (see #49), daughter of John Cecil and Elizabeth Sollers, in 1742 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 914, 915 He died in 1794 at Tazewell Co., VA. 916, 917
He migrated to Walker's Creek, Giles Co., VA, in 1766 with his wife and her brother and their families Walker's Creek, Giles Co., VA, from Cecil Co., MD. 918, 919 In 1767 he was the first settler in Tazewell County and he constructed a block house called Witten's Fort to protect against Cherokee and Shawnee Indians. 920 He and Thomas J. Witten Jr. enlisted in Capt. Daniel Smith's Co., VA, in Oct 1774 and fought Indians at the Battle of Point Pleasant. 921
Children of Thomas6 Witten Sr. and Elizabeth Cecil (see #49) were as follows:
  •       i.   WILLIAM5.922,923,924

  •       ii.   JEREMIAH.925,926,927

  •       iii.   JOHN928,929,930 was born circa 1740 at Maryland. 931

  •       iv.   ELIZABETH932,933,934 was born circa 1750 at Maryland. 935

  •     30.  v.   THOMAS J..

  •       vi.   PHILIP936,937,938 was born circa 1755 at Maryland. 939

  •       vii.   JAMES940,941,942 was born on 7 Jan 1757 at Maryland. 943

49. ELIZABETH6 CECIL (John, #71) 944,945,946 was born on 15 Mar 1720 at Cecil Co., Maryland, (adopted by her father's brother John). 947 She married Thomas Witten Sr. (see #48), son of Thomas Witten and Ann Cecil, in 1742 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 948, 949 She died after 1795 at Tazewell Co., VA. 950

50. SAMUEL6 CECIL 951 was born circa 1730 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 952 He married Rebecca White (see #51), daughter of Benjamin White and Ann Hilliard, before 1755 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 953
Children of Samuel6 Cecil and Rebecca White (see #51) were:

51. REBECCA6 WHITE (Benjamin, #73) 954,955,956 was born circa 1730 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 957 She married Samuel Cecil (see #50) before 1755 at Cecil Co., Maryland. 958

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